Friday, July 13, 2012

Updates and such.....

It's been way too long ...but a much needed and necessary break from blog world.

Where do I start....well, first and foremost I thank God for guiding me through these past few months with clarity and peace. I had to step back from blogging to keep my head clear and focus where it needed to be. I had to concentrate on those areas of my own life that God was dealing with and that meant I had to clear my space spiritually, emotionally and physically in order for that to happen. Time has been moving SO fast and by the end of my day all I had the desire to do was get some rest! So, for all the phone calls I couldn't answer, emails I never got around to replying to, text messages that went unanswered PLEASE charge it to my head and not my heart. 

SEVEN Days! One week. NEXT Friday!!.....I will be saying "I do" to thee most amazing woman everrrrr! She has been such a blessing to not only my life but so many others. I really can't believe it's actually happening! I'm thankful for every failed relationship, disappointment, heartbreak, tough life lesson and experience that has prepared ME to be the person I am. It was in those situations that I can now see I was being tested, molded and crafted to receive the blessing I had been praying for. A life partner. When I initially started praying for someone I could spend forever with, I wasn't ready. But with the words I released from my mouth to God's ears... He would prepare me. He used so many situations and people to humble me, teach me and test see if I was ready for what I prayed for. I can now say by faith, I passed! And next Friday, July 20th my obedience and faithfulness to HIM...will be rewarded when I marry the one person that I am so blessed to have in my life.

Just over a month ago, I formed a small intimate prayer group for something Nicole and I laid before God. After trying so long to obtain it on our own, I knew we had to take everything up a notch. Spiritually.We had done all we could humanly do and....nothing. I sent an "I need you all praying like you've never prayed before" text out and within minutes they were ON it! For a week straight we all stayed in constant prayer and believed it would come to be. I never doubted. I never wavered in my faith. I knew the power of prayer and that's all I could lean on. After that week...the group continued to lift us up. Saying our names and lifting up a very specific prayer. You cannot tell me there is no God because on 07-07-12...that prayer was answered! There is no other explanation. No other justification. It HAD to be God. I LOVE when He does that! I just want to thank those folks for their unselfish prayers on our behalf. No words could ever explain how grateful we are for you and we in turn pray for YOU. 

So, I probably won't do another entry until after I am officially hitched! *smile* I am looking forward to a much needed honeymoon and relaxation! I really appreciate each and everyone of you reading this blog. I know it wasn't my "normal" kinda entry but if you only take one thing from this one PLEASE let it be....Prayer works! And, everything you may be going through at this moment may seem like it's leading nowhere, but I am living proof how your "nowhere" seasons in life can be the perfect set up for ALL of your hearts desires coming to be.

Love you all.


  1. Amen and congrats on the wedding and all your blessings. Your post is very timely and uplifting. All the best!

    1. Thanks so much Alisa! You simply replying and letting me know that you connected with this entry means a lot. It serves as encouragement for me. Thanks Sis! Stay encouraged.

  2. I know I'm late but I just read this , AWWWW TEARS ...This is sooooooo beautiful . God is truly amazing :-)
