Monday, July 18, 2011

When a Door Closes

When a Door Closes

Hello Everyone! I pray your week has been great thus far. Please take some time to enjoy this beautiful weather and do something nice for yourself. You deserve it!

I was listening to a word this week that spoke to me loud and clear. Thus me sharing with you in this week’s blog, "When a Door closes." The message was simple but so deep enhanced by the mental picture I received while listening. When a door closes....God is redirecting you. Simple. The picture and quote above shows you what was in my head as I listened to the message. Redirection. are headed in the wrong direction and in order for you to become your authentic self, God will shut the door to redirect you. I know we've all heard the "when one door closes...another one opens" saying, and this is very true but I want to zero in on the closed door for this blog.
The closure is/was not rejection (someone needed to hear that...I know I did) but the universe exercising redirection. Oftentimes when doors close, we look at it from a negative perspective or take it as rejection. Followed by us being disappointed, crushed, confused & uninspired. Instead, see it as the door had  to be closed in order for you to receive what has YOUR name on it. We spend way too much time focused on the door that has shut that we don't see the wonderful opportunities that will manifest via the open one. Ones that in fact may already BE manifesting in your life! The door is shut. Accept it and embrace it. Be excited about your life being redirected by the author OF your life. Accepting a closed door isn't always easy. Besides, we have our lives all mapped and planned out, right? (Sarcasm)
When a door shuts... many times, they led to situations, habits, relationships, jobs, major decisions, plans etc  that needed to either not happen or stop happening...for our own good, growth & destiny. There is something better waiting on you. Something that will far exceed your original plans and desires. The door was redirect you towards that certain something. Don't waste anymore time pulling and stressing over the closed door. Perhaps we didn't have the strength to close the door...or the common sense to. Either way...the universe did it for you. Be glad about that!

I pray this was JUST what someone needed to hear.
Have a super dooooper week!


  1. Very Encouraging Nelly, I really needed to hear this. Thanks!

    Luv Ya'

  2. I needed to hear this, thanks from me to.
