In all your striving...Don't forget to live.
This blog will not be the "typical" blog. It's more so a personal revelation. If you get something from it, great. If some point in your life I pray it is brought back to your remembrance and you will.
I was listening to one of Kanye West songs from the 808 Heartbreak album. I've listened to it hundreds of times over the past few years. But today, I heard something on one of the tracks that hit especially home for me and was really a light bulb moment. The track "Welcome Heartbreak" jilted me into a "wow" moment and I was rendered speechless for a few seconds. I wondered why I had never heard or digested the lyrics before even though I've sang it a million times?! Then it came to me...because it wasn't meant for me to at that stage of my life. But now, I'm here and it made perfect sense. I just want to share a few of the lyrics with you:
My friend showed me pictures of his kids
And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs
He said his daughter got a brand new report card (card)
And all I got was a brand new sports car
And my head keeps spinning
Can't stop having these visions
I gotta get wit' it
G'head crack a joke all the kids laugh
But I couldn't hear em all the way in first class
Chased the good life my whole life long
Look back on my life and my life gone
Where did I go wrong?
My god sister gettin' married by the lake
But I couldn't figure out who I want to take
Bad enough that I showed up late
I had to leave 'fore they even cut the cake
Welcome to Heartbreak
And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs
He said his daughter got a brand new report card (card)
And all I got was a brand new sports car
And my head keeps spinning
Can't stop having these visions
I gotta get wit' it
G'head crack a joke all the kids laugh
But I couldn't hear em all the way in first class
Chased the good life my whole life long
Look back on my life and my life gone
Where did I go wrong?
My god sister gettin' married by the lake
But I couldn't figure out who I want to take
Bad enough that I showed up late
I had to leave 'fore they even cut the cake
Welcome to Heartbreak
I've spent most of my adult years (thus far) striving for this perfect life. Career, finances, real estate, academics etc. Pushing myself. Aiming for better. BEST. I've put things on hold and just delayed many things in my life. Now, at 34...I look around and most of my friends have families & kids and in my opinion they are truly living! They look at me and think the same of my situation. They want the freedom I have...I desire the elements of what they have. It's funny because I never thought I would find myself wanting any of that. I feel like I have the "other stuff" but I really desire the next chapter of my life. A family. I often wonder why my life took the direction it has. I often wonder why certain things had to happen in order for me to be here. I'm looking at how life has evolved around me and I find myself saying, "Wow, where has the time gone??!!" Despite it all I can say that I'm grateful. I don't know why but I do know that everything has a season and an appointed time. This life of mine is out of my control anyway. I would not be honest if I said that I didn't at least wonder.
Listening to these lyrics, I carry on. Putting into the Universe exactly what I want out of it. Praying that the seeds I've planted. The tears I've cried. The joys of my accomplishments will eventually take root and birth a great harvest!
I'm not sure if any of you can identify with this blog. But if you are the person that can...I simply say, even in your striving and grinding and just wanting the best...don't stop living! Take life as it comes. Things may not come in the precise order that YOU think it should. Work hard, give life your all but in all of that, don't forget to live.
Have a great week!